
Ferenczi and His World: Rekindling the Spirit of the Budapest School - Editor : Judit Szekacs-Weisz, Tom Keve


'This book is much more than a reader on Sandor Ferenczi or about his contributions; in fact, it opens us to the world around this great pioneer of psychoanalysis, showing his cultural environment, associated memories, and the literary works inspired by him. In it we learn about Ferenczi's relationships with other leading psychoanalysts like Melanie Klein, Imre Hermann, and Michael Balint. We discover Ferenczi's innovative ideas as encountered in contemporary writings. This volume offers a multitude of stimulations: it is a rich anthology that leads us into a deep psychoanalytic world; reminds us of some forgotten points of view; and opens seminal new vistas. Once you begin to read, you cannot put this book aside.'
- Andre Haynal, MD, psychoanalyst, Emeritus and Honorary Professor, University of Geneva, Switzerland

'This collection of papers by Sandor Ferenczi's foremost commentators and heirs takes a considerable step towards reminding us not only of his importance in the development of psychoanalysis, but also of the freshness of his thinking in the 21st century. All those interested in understanding the relation between internal and external, mind and body, as well those interested in Ferenczi the man and clinician, would do well to savour this volume.'
- Ken Robinson, psychoanalyst, the Honorary Archivist, Archives of the British Psychoanalytical Society

Format: Paperback

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