Freud and Latin America - Exhibition Catalogue
This catalogue has been produced in conjunction with the exhibition Freud and Latin America held at the Freud Museum London, 17 January - 14 July 2024.
Psychoanalysis has often been considered a Eurocentric practice, with its origins in Freud’s former home of Vienna, Austria and its earliest schools formed in European centres such as Berlin, Budapest, London and Paris. But in the 21st-century, Latin America is home to some of the most important psychoanalytic centres in the world. Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, has the highest number of psychoanalysis per capita in the world. Why has this region embraced psychoanalysis so warmly? And how has Freudian theory influenced wider culture and society?
In this catalogue
Introducing Freud and Latin America - Jamie Ruers
Freud and the Latin Americans - Mariano Ben Plotkin
The Cultural History of Psychoanalysis in Latin America - Mariano Ruperthuz
Freud in Brazil - Belinda Mandelbaum
Freud Gone Wild: A Mexican Story - Rubén Gallo
Grete Stern - Dawn Ades
This catalogue is edited by Jamie Ruers