
You used to pick me up - Peter Andrews (greeting card)


'You used to pick me up and cuddle me. Now it is my turn to cuddle you.'

The perfect card for Mother.

In 2018, the Freud Museum Shop was introduced to Arthouse Unlimited and in turn introduced to the artist, Peter Andrews.

Blank inside for your own message.


Peter Andrews began drawing sessions with Arthouse in 2005. It was quickly discovered that Peter enjoyed drawing, especially naked ladies. He seemed to be empowered by his talent and how the audience reacted to his unique drawings.

Arthouse Unlimited is a collective of artists living with complex epilepsy and learning disabilities all of whom require varying levels of support.  The artists work alongside instructors to create artworks which are developed into designer products for sale. All artwork derives from the skills each artist brings to the enterprise and every contribution holds real value.

Offering a sense of purpose lies at the heart of Arthouse Unlimited’s philosophy. Arthouse strives to challenge perceptions and to create better acceptance and inclusion for all people living with disabilities.

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